Newsflash | July 2024

Viaduct renovation

The steel truss structures of the historic Wipkinger viaduct in Zurich are currently undergoing extensive renovation. With the new mageba bridge bearings and expansion joints, the bridges will have the necessary "freedom of movement" to cope with future traffic...


A partner for life

Modifications to design standards and ever-changing usage patterns can lead to evolving demands on historic structures. s your structure equipped with mageba bridge bearings or expansion joints? You can rely on our expert team to remain on hand should needs of the asset change throughout the service life – as was recently the case with the SR520 pontoon bridge in Seattle...


India’s longest cable-stayed structure

The Sudarshan Setu Bridge on India’s west coast, newly connecting the holy island of Beyt Dwarka to the mainland for two million pilgrims each year, is India’s longest cable-stayed structure...

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Bridging over mining country

Running through a mining area near Sydney, the "Spring Farm" motorway is susceptible to ground subsidence throughout its service life. To provide robustness to major structures, mageba bridge bearings and expansion joints with large movement and rotational capacities are incorporated into the superstructure...

News-Spring Farm Parkway-key bridge structure

Amistad Costa Rica

mageba has recently supplied the bridge bearings and expansion joints needed for the renovation of a key cable-supported bridge in western Costa Rica...

News-Puente La Amistad-AdobeStock

Newsflash | March 2024

Replacement of 55-year-old mageba bearings

mageba is currently replacing bridge bearings that the company supplied for a Swiss highway viaduct in 1969 – marking the end of an excellent service life for bearings of that time...


Mumbai sea crossing completion

India's longest sea bridge, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL), which was constructed using mageba bearings and expansion joints, was inaugurated in January 2024...


Yangtze River record

When spectacular suspension bridges are built across the world’s third longest river in the Chinese metropolis of Nanjing, mageba is consistently asked to design and manufacture the enormous expansion joints required – with five such structures now featuring our TENSA®MODULAR joints...

REFSHEET-Nanjing Xinshengwei Yangtze River Bridge-mainimg

Damper configurations

The RESTON®SA shock absorbers of the administration building of the ITESM university in Guadalajara illustrate how differently such seismic dampers can be used in the same structure...


Sydney airport rail link

mageba’s team in Australia has supplied hundreds of bridge bearings for the construction of a new railway line serving Western Sydney Airport...


Newsflash | December 2023

Autobahn renovation

2023 saw the completion of a three-year motorway renovation project in Switzerland for which mageba replaced or renovated the bearings and expansion joints of numerous bridge structures...

News-Swiss A1-autobahn-expansion-joint-placed-Mini-Fly-Over

Innovación coreana

Ante el reto de renovar las antiguas juntas de dilatación modulares de un importante puente colgante, nuestro equipo en Corea del Sur desarrolló un nuevo método que consiste en sustituir únicamente las vigas de la superficie, minimizando los impactos en la estructura y en el tráfico...

News-Yeongjiong Bridge-modular expansion joints-replacement innovation-refurbished

Gigantes neoyorquinos

Siete años después de la finalización de la primera fase del proyecto de renovación de las enormes juntas de dilatación dentadas en el extraordinariamente largo puente Verrazzano-Narrows de Nueva York, mageba sigue siendo el proveedor elegido para los enormes componentes necesarios para terminar el trabajo...

News-Verrazzano-Narrows-Bridge-finger expansion joint

Protección peruana

La protección sísmica de edificios y puentes sigue creciendo en importancia en toda América Latina, como lo demuestran muchos proyectos recientes de mageba, tal es el caso del suministro de amortiguadores para el edificio Shougang en la capital peruana, Lima...


Race against time

When part of New Zealand’s State Highway 25A was washed away in a storm, the clock immediately started ticking on a project to reconnect the communities it served as quickly as possible – and mageba was happy to help by ensuring the required bearings and expansion joints were designed, manufactured and delivered to site in good time...


Newsflash | September 2023

Swiss bearing replacement expertise

Our team in Switzerland shows its capabilities in carrying out the high-precision work required to replace the bearings of one of the busiest highway viaducts in the country – the Hammermuhle Viaduct near Zurich...


Singapore exceptional

The world's largest combined train and bus depot – which is also believed to be the first building-type depot for both trains and buses – is being constructed in Singapore using mageba structural bearings and expansion joints...


In the pipeline

The 192 specially developed free-sliding bearings already delivered for the Kangaroo Valley Pipeline, which supplies water to the Australian state of New South Wales, represent just the start of this multi-phase project...


Keeping India moving

In the renovation of the Naini Bridge, one of India’s oldest and longest cable-stayed bridges, the required bridge bearing and expansion joint replacement work had to be carried out without any closure of the bridge due to its importance to local and regional traffic...


New in New Orleans

We are pleased to report the successful completion of our project to design and supply the expansion joints required for the new Belle Chasse River Bridge in the outskirts of Louisiana’s biggest city...


Newsflash | July 2023

Danube spectacular

The beautiful new Braila Bridge over the Danube in eastern Romania is an eye-catching addition to the local landscape, and the enormous expansion joints that accommodate its movements are spectacular in their own right...


High in the Himalayas

Construction of the Chenab Railway Bridge – the world’s highest railway bridge, in the Indian foothills of the Himalayan mountains – has now been completed, with mageba bearings supporting its superstructure....


Sleep well in Seattle

mageba has now completed the installation of noise-reduced expansion joints in the new South Structure of Seattle’s SR520 West Approach Bridge – similar to the silent joints that were installed in the North Structure in 2016/2017 to minimise noise disturbance from traffic crossing the world’s longest floating bridge...


Australian diversity

In designing and manufacturing the various expansion joints and structural bearings required for the construction of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road in Western Australia, mageba is demonstrating the diversity in its product range....


Bangkok bridge bearings and expansion joints

The new Rama III cable-stayed bridge in the Thai capital has now been equipped with mageba finger-type expansion joints at both ends, and the connecting ring-road viaduct is being constructed using over one thousand mageba pot bearings...


Newsflash | April 2023

No hay ningún desafío de reemplazo de apoyos que no podamos manejar

El equipo de mageba en Alemania demuestra su experiencia en la sustitución de los viejos apoyos de rodillos de un puente ferroviario con la alternativa moderna superior, el apoyo RESTON®CYLINDER, y en completar el trabajo a tiempo a pesar de los importantes desafíos encontrados...


Otro punto de referencia del delta del Mekong

Tras el suministro de juntas de expansión modulares de 10 espacios para el puente My Thuan en 2021, mageba ahora ha continuado con el suministro de los apoyos requeridos por el cercano puente My Thuan II, el quinto puente atirantado más importante en la región del delta del Mekong de Vietnam que depende de los componentes clave de mageba...


Edificando sobre la Experiencia

La torre Cibeles en Ciudad de México se encuentra actualmente en un importante proceso de renovación, con amortiguadores de mageba en cada nivel, protegiéndola contra terremotos como los que la han dañado en el pasado...


Australian progress

The Spirit of Progress Bridge in Australia represents the first use of mageba’s TENSA®GRIP single-gap expansion joint in New South Wales following the state’s years-long evaluation and certification process – ushering in a new era in which only expansion joints of the highest quality should be used on the region’s highways, to the benefit of bridge owners and users alike...


Border crossing

The Gordie Howe International Bridge, connecting the United States and Canada across the Detroit River, is currently being built using mageba spherical bearings...


Newsflash | January 2023

Singapore priority

The importance of quality in the ongoing construction of Singapore’s longest Transit Priority Corridor is evident in the use of tried-and-trusted mageba bridge bearings and expansion joints...


Monorail movements

Cairo’s new monorail system is being built with thousands of newly developed mageba expansion joint components facilitating the movements of its elevated structures...


Temporary but extraordinary

In proposing the optimal temporary seismic support solution for the superstructure of a new highway bridge in New Zealand, and designing and manufacturing the huge bearings and shear keys required in a very short timeframe, mageba provided the exceptional service that customers have come to expect...


Himalayan access

In the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India, a railway line is being constructed which will vastly improve access to the mountainous region near the border with Tibet – and mageba’s team in Kolkata is lending its expertise in providing sophisticated bearing solutions for some of the bridges along the route...


Indian inputs

Our team in Kolkata shows the added value mageba’s engineers can bring to a bridge construction project when they are given the opportunity to offer their expertise – in this case relating to the required bridge bearings – in the early stages of a project...


Newsflash | September 2022

Same again in Budapest

Like the Danube Arena in Hungary’s capital, which was built some years before to host the 2017 World Aquatics Championships, the city’s new MVM Dome – which has since been built to host the 2022 European Men’s Handball Championship – has its roof structure supported by mageba RESTON®SPHERICAL bearings....


Preparándose para los Juegos Asiáticos

Al igual que cualquier otra ciudad que alberga un evento deportivo importante, como unos Juegos Olímpicos o una Copa del Mundo, la ciudad china de Hangzhou está "dando lo mejor de sí" en preparación para los próximos Juegos Asiáticos, con TENSA® de alta gama. Juntas de expansión POLYFLEX®ADVANCED instaladas en la nueva autopista que conduce a la sede principal de los Juegos...


Building safety in Manila

The seismic safety of the five main buildings of the Solaire Resort & Casino in the Philippine capital is now being monitored using mageba’s state-of-the-art ROBO®QUAKE technology....


Return to Louisiana

El proyecto actual de mageba para suministrar juntas de expansión para el nuevo puente Belle Chasse en Luisiana marca un regreso al estado donde suministró juntas de expansión dentadas deslizantes extraordinariamente grandes alrededor de una década antes...


Corriendo la voz en México

Después de numerosos proyectos de construcción de edificios en la Ciudad de México para los cuales mageba suministró amortiguadores hidráulicos en el pasado, nos enorgullece haber entregado ahora los primeros amortiguadores de este tipo para un proyecto fuera de la capital, brindando los beneficios de su uso a una población mucho más amplia...


Delivered despite delays

A bridge replacement project in Auckland has finally been completed after a long delay due to Covid-19, but the pandemic did not affect the rapid supply of the required bearings....


Newsflash | June 2022

Delaware trials

On the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the United States, trial installations have now been completed of the two types of TENSA®POLYFLEX flexible plug expansion joint that are to be used to replace all of the bridge’s expansion joints in the coming years...


Australian approvals

After a long and demanding certification process, mageba is delighted to have now become the first supplier to be awarded general approvals in New South Wales for its single gap (“nosing”) and cantilever finger expansion joints equipped with AS5100.4-compliant, fatigue-resistant anchorage systems – making it no longer necessary to obtain project-specific approvals for future projects...

News-Australian approvals-cantilever-finger-joint

Hinges for cantilevers

The balanced cantilever method of bridge construction offers significant benefits, but requires a high-tech design for the hinge detail that connects the cantilever tips at each mid-span discontinuity – such as the central hinge bearings recently supplied by mageba for the New Brahmaputra Bridge at Tezpur, India...


Movimiento circular

Las juntas de dilatación que suministramos para puentes y edificios normalmente deben estar diseñadas para facilitar cierto grado de movimiento transversal de la superestructura, generalmente mucho menor que el movimiento longitudinal, pero el puente peatonal Geumgang de dos niveles en Corea del Sur, con su forma circular, requería juntas de expansión que se adaptarán a una combinación inusual de movimientos....


Local in Slovakia

The bearings and expansion joints for the bridges of a new section of highway in southern Slovakia have been supplied by mageba’s local subsidiary...


Pioneros en la ciudad de Guatemala

mageba se enorgullece de haber brindado recientemente la solución de protección sísmica para el primer edificio sísmicamente aislado en la ciudad de Guatemala, y uno de los primeros en América Central...


Protección sísmica

El equipo de mageba en los Estados Unidos se enorgullece de haber sido seleccionado para ayudar a desarrollar y suministrar una solución integral de protección sísmica para un nuevo puente en arco en la ciudad californiana de Corona...
